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Keeping it short...


Hi everyone. I hope you're all well and enjoying the spring, even though it seems like it's rained almost every day in the UK since the end of March. We did have one, solitary sunny day (remember?), and we managed to have a barbecue, which was a blessing in itself.

Anyway, I thought it was about time to update you on what's been going on.

Firstly, we've been busy getting ready for HorrorCon, which is now only four weeks away. The banner has been printed, as you can see from the pic (thanks to Lauren at Cranthorpe for the design), my bookmarks have arrived (free to anyone that visits my stand), and I'm now in the process of getting one of those fiddly tap-and-go machines and other assorted horror-themed decorations for the table. Hopefully I'll see some of you there. If you want tickets (of course you do), the link is here; Home - HorrorConUK

Secondly, I'm really excited to announce that my short story, 'The Saint and The Seraph', will be featured in Knight Writing Press's 'Particular Passages: Closed For The Season' anthology, which is due for release in January 2024. I really enjoyed writing this spooky wintry tale that introduces my charismatic but flawed main character, Obadiah Katz, and I'm thrilled that Sam and the team at 'Knight Writing' liked the story enough to include it in their next release. More to come on that.

Thirdly, I've updated the 'Free Reads' section of this website with Part 1 of a novella I wrote about a year ago, which was inspired by, of all things, my dad's allotment. It's a veggie based horror-fantasy which I hope you enjoy. I'll aim to put Part 2 up in the next couple of weeks.

As you know, my next full-length novel, 'The Faraway People', is currently out with the editors, and we'll be putting the final touches on the book during the coming months. I'll keep you posted on the potential release date and news of the book launch. In the meantime, I'm hunkered down in my conservatory, busily bashing away at the keyboard and trying to complete my next book - an as yet untitled science fiction/horror that focusses on an unusual discovery in a cave in South Wales - The Cave Of The Black Spring. I'm loving writing it, which is always a good sign, and, as ever, the story is evolving organically and springing many new and interesting surprises on me. Controlling this group of characters is proving to be more than a little challenging.

I'm currently reading UK horror author Graham Masterton's novel, 'The Forgotten Children', which I am enjoying. I'm late to the party with Graham. He's been writing horror since the late seventies, even earning plaudits from such esteemed horror writers as James Herbert, and while the dialogue isn't perhaps as finessed as I might have hoped, it's an imaginative tale, and it's certainly keeping me engaged.

During the Easter Break, my wife and I went to see my daughter showcase her tooth-gem skills (Toothy Pegs) at the Maidstone Tattoo Convention, and we then went on to see my son, a talented drummer, play a bunch of gigs at a number of venues in Kent. I have to say, I was pretty moved by the whole experience. Our children have become such creative, self-motivated individuals who have both had the tenacity to go out there and make names for themselves. They're living proof that there's no substitute for hard work and determination. I guess they get that from their mother :)

Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now. I'll update you on how the HorrorCon event goes in my next blog (I'll add some photos), and I'll keep you posted on my next release.

In the meantime, take care, have fun and look after each other.


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