So....the new book 'The Hawk and the Raven' (the sequel to 'Pale Face and the Raven') is finally finished and available to pre-order on the Waterstones and Foyles websites no less. Check out the link on my homepage. I've been working with the Cranthorpe Millner team (Kirsty and Shannon) and it has been an absolute pleasure to deal with such devoted professionals and all round nice people. I absolutely love the cover art (shown here) and am really excited for you all to get your hands on a copy - so much so that I've posted the first couple of chapters in the 'free reads' section of my website to whet your appetite. It was great fun to write and, although I'm a tad biased, its a damn good read too. I've been trying to up my game on social media which for me is a real challenge (thanks go to Shannon for the hints and tips). I've even got a twitter account (@stacey_dighton). Learning about what a tweet is, versus what an insta story is, has been a real eye opener. However, it has put me in touch with some other amazing authors which I can only be grateful for. Anyway, now onto the big news.....I've decided to give away a signed copy of 'Pale Face and the Raven' to the next ten readers to sign up to my website mailing list. Just click on the contact section of my website, scroll to the bottom and enter your details. That's it - no questions, no tricks, no money changing hands - just sign up and I'll do the rest. I'll keep you posted as the release date for 'The Hawk and the Raven' looms. Otherwise, stay safe, enjoy the Euros (as long as England win of course) and keep reading!!